Boise DUI Attorney 

What is Defined As DUI in Boise, ID?

Driving under the influence in Boise, Idaho, refers to the act of operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs. To be charged with a DUI, your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) must be at or above 0.08%. This threshold drops to 0.04% for commercial vehicle drivers and 0.02% for drivers under the age of 21.

Drunk driving in Idaho

Penalties for DUI in Idaho

Penalties for getting a DUI in Boise, Idaho, are significant and can have a profound impact on your life. It’s crucial to be aware of these consequences to understand the gravity of a DUI charge in this area. The penalties may include:

  1. Fines: DUI convictions often result in substantial fines, which can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the severity of the offense and whether it’s a first-time or repeat offense.

  2. License Suspension: Your driver’s license can be suspended for a specific period, making it challenging to get to work, school, or other essential places.

  3. Ignition Interlock Device: In some cases, you may be required to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle, which tests your BAC before allowing the vehicle to start.

  4. Mandatory Alcohol Education Programs: You may be required to complete alcohol education or treatment programs, which can be time-consuming and costly.

  5. Probation: Probation is often part of the sentence, involving regular check-ins with a probation officer and compliance with specific conditions.

  6. Jail Time: Jail sentences can be imposed, especially for repeat DUI offenders or cases involving aggravated circumstances.

  7. Criminal Record: A DUI conviction can lead to a permanent criminal record, affecting your future employment and housing opportunities.

  8. Increased Insurance Rates: Expect a substantial increase in your auto insurance rates, making it more expensive to maintain coverage.

  9. Community Service: Courts may order you to perform community service as part of your sentence.

  10. Civil Lawsuits: If your DUI resulted in an accident causing injuries or property damage, you may face civil lawsuits seeking compensation for the damages.

The Importance of Legal Representation

Why do you need a DUI attorney?

Facing a DUI charge without legal representation can be a costly mistake. An experienced DUI attorney can help you navigate the complex legal system, protect your rights, and build a strong defense.

No two DUI cases are identical, and that’s why it’s crucial to have an attorney who tailors their approach to your unique situation. Jared Sommer takes the time to thoroughly assess your case and develop a personalized legal strategy that is tailored to your specific needs. This personalized approach ensures that you receive the best possible defense, increasing your chances of a favorable outcome.



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About Jared Sommer

Our Attorney is known for giving clean concise guidance to all his clients. He is a member of the Idaho Law Review and is a graduate of the University of Idaho College of Law. He fights to get every client the best possible outcome for every case.

We are effective and aggressive and will work to help you get the results that you need, from minor to major charges, at affordable rates.

My role as your DUI defense attorney in Boise is not just about protecting the rights of our clients—it’s about preserving the integrity of the legal system itself. This includes ensuring that law enforcement adheres to the highest standards of due process and that the accused receives a fair and just trial. Defending against DUI charges is a matter of accountability and safeguarding the principle that every individual is innocent until proven guilty.

Jared Sommer

what people say about us


Landaisha Johnson
Landaisha Johnson
December 28, 2022
Jared Sommer represented me in a Case I had recently and when I say he made everything go so smooth I appreciated everything he did for me. He spoke so highly of me and he was very confident in what he does. He was a man of his word. He explained to me everything really well so I had a better understanding. I had never been in any trouble and I was so glad and so thankful to have someone like him to represent me. I would 10/10 recommend him for an attorney. Thank you Jared for all of your hard work!!
Matthew Bayer
Matthew Bayer
November 10, 2022
Jared is the best attorney I could've imagined as representation for my case. As a client with no previous knowledge of the legal system, Jared's expertise and experience was incredibly valuable and made the otherwise emotional process as smooth and straightforward as possible. He consistently asked for my preferences, kept me informed on any and all progress in my case, and always let me know what to realistically expect as possible outcomes.
Eric Packer
Eric Packer
September 23, 2022
Jared helped us to seamlessly work through a legal matter regarding a more serious traffic citation that our son received. Jared guided us through the options and helped us to understand the potential ramifications of each option. We are pleased with his service in representing us in this matter.
Natnael Epa
Natnael Epa
March 10, 2022
I am not sure where to start but I will try my best to capture what Jared did for me and my family. I was in a tight spot where the odds were very much against me and chance of seeing the light was very slim. I had a lot to lose if it was not for Jared. His intensive experience in his field, knowledge and wisdom in collaboration with his humanity and empathy got me a deal that was once in a life time. I am very thankful and grateful for Jared and what he has done for me. If you are in the same situation as I was, I highly recommend him. I am a very satisfied customer.
Amber Roll
Amber Roll
January 27, 2020
Listen up guys! Jared is worth every penny. He goes above and beyond for you and you will be grateful for having this amazing attorney on your side. He helped me more than I expected and I recommend him for anything you are facing. He cares not only about your case outcome but about your well-being.
Stephene StGeorge
Stephene StGeorge
October 4, 2019
It’s not often that you see citations completely dismissed by a prosecutor in Ada County, much less two of them... This is my story and why Mr. Sommer deserves more then five stars. To begin, you would think requesting a lawyer to handle citations on my behalf is absurd, right? But like many cases, mine wasn’t cut and dry. And no, this wasn’t the extremely rare situation that places the public in a lose lose position either. It was just two simple citations that I felt strongly about contesting and I chose Jared Sommer. I’ve had the privilege of working with the courts professionally for the past twenty years and I know what conduct to expect. He was just as passionate about my small personal matter as I could ever imagine an attorney would be. I certainly wasn’t even expecting this type of resolution, so as we got closer to the trial date (this actually happens with citations too) I was relaying to Mr.Sommer that I would happy to accept responsibility for one of citations if they dismissed the other. He could sense that bit of fear that grows uncontrollably when we’re confronted with the unknown and he put me at ease as he explained the possibly outcomes, but not to lose focus on why we were there in the first place. I’d love to proclaim that my case simply had flawless merit which lead to the dismissal, but I credit Mr. Sommer mostly. It was clear that long before my insignificant issue, he had forged relationships with prosecutors and other court personal that provided him an edge. He was able to speak with them prior to the hearing and present my side in such a fashion that my only moments in front of the judge consisted of me verifying my name. I couldn’t be happier! He was fantastic and I would encourage anyone in need of legal services to contact Mr. Sommer.
Billie Parker
Billie Parker
September 11, 2019
Jared represented me at one of the most difficult times of my life. He has the knack and ability to successfully handle criminal defense cases that you just don’t see very often. I worked in a court and dealt with attorneys for many years. I am very sincere in saying Jared is one of the best I have seen.
Lauren Clounie
Lauren Clounie
September 11, 2019
Jared is definitely the person to see if you get yourself stuck between rock and a hard place. He took care of everything like he said he would and kept me in the loop during the ordeal. He is professional, knowledgeable, down to earth, confident and respectful. Thank you, Jared.

If You Have Been Arrested For DUI in Boise, Mr. Sommer Has the Experience To Help You

The DUI Legal Process in Boise

After getting a DUI in Boise, Idaho, you’ll go through a specific legal process that involves several key stages. It’s essential to understand this process to navigate it effectively. Here’s an overview of the DUI legal process:

  1. Arrest and Booking: The process typically begins with your arrest by law enforcement for suspicion of DUI. You’ll be taken to a police station or holding facility, where you’ll undergo booking procedures. This involves recording your personal information, taking fingerprints, and possibly a mugshot.

  2. Field Sobriety Tests: At the scene of the arrest, you may be asked to perform field sobriety tests. These tests assess your physical and cognitive abilities to determine your level of impairment. Common field sobriety tests include walking in a straight line, standing on one leg, and following an object with your eyes.

  3. Chemical Tests: After your arrest, you may be asked to undergo chemical tests, such as a breathalyzer test to measure your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Refusing these tests can have legal consequences.

  4. Arraignment: You’ll be scheduled for an arraignment, where you’ll be formally charged with DUI. During this phase, you’ll have the opportunity to enter a plea, such as guilty, not guilty, or no contest.

  5. Building Your Defense: After the arraignment, it’s crucial to work with an attorney, like Jared Sommer, to build a strong defense. This may involve gathering evidence, reviewing police reports, and identifying legal strategies to challenge the charges.

  6. Negotiation with Prosecutors: Your attorney may engage in negotiations with the prosecution to seek a favorable outcome, such as reduced charges or penalties. Plea bargains are common in DUI cases.

  7. Court Representation: If negotiations are unsuccessful or if you choose to go to trial, your attorney will represent you in court. During the trial, the prosecution will present evidence, and your attorney will defend your case.

  8. Sentencing: If you are found guilty, the court will impose a sentence that may include fines, license suspension, probation, jail time, or other penalties. The severity of the sentence depends on various factors, including the circumstances of your case and your prior record.

  9. Post-Conviction Options: After a DUI conviction, you may have post-conviction options, such as appealing the verdict or seeking alternative sentencing, like probation or diversion programs.


We are effective and aggressive and will work to help you get the results that you need, from minor to major charges, at affordable rates.

It’s essential to consult with an experienced DUI attorney like Jared Sommer, who can help you understand the specific penalties you might face based on the details of your case. He works on building a strong defense to potentially reduce those penalties or even have the charges dropped. DUI convictions can have far-reaching consequences, so seeking legal assistance is critical to protect your rights and future.

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